The covid-19 pandemic continues to make victims in the world. In the state of California the disease is killing at least one person every 8 minutes. The virus has already killed more than 11 500 persons , according the RFI. To that, are added overwhelmed hospitals, weak staff, doctors who have contracted the virus and patients are sometime treated in a corridor or in tents.
While the influx of the patients linked to the rally of Thanksgiving is not finished yet, that of the end-year holidays is now shaking the Doctors and Nurses.
The 500 beds hospital received the reinforcement of the National Guard and has transformed the cafeteria into a care room. Other hospitals changed their parkings into care room.
Read more:South Africa: first doses of covid-19 vaccine expected this month
Even ambulances have to wait long before depositing their patients. The ambulance drivers have also received the instructions not to take them if their chance of survival are too low.
Deads are so many in Los Angeles that about 10 refrigerated trucks have been providing provisional morgues for few days.
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