Pope deplores 'deeply reactionary' attitude among US Catholics

Pope deplores ‘deeply reactionary’ attitude among US Catholics

Pope Francis deplored the “deeply reactionary attitude” of some Catholics in the United States during an exchange with a group of Jesuits published Monday by the magazine Civilta Cattolica.

“In the United States, the situation is not easy: there is a deeply reactionary attitude,” said the 86-year-old Argentine pope during this exchange which took place on August 5 in Lisbon during the World Days of youth (WYD).

“I would like to remind these people that there is no point in being ‘backslidden’ (the pope uses the Italian word ‘indietrismo’, editor’s note) and we must understand that there is a right evolution in the understanding of questions of faith. and morals,” he added.

“You are building something closed”

Jorge Bergoglio gave the example of the evolution of the Church on the question of slavery: “Some sovereign pontiffs had tolerated it, but things have changed since”.

“When you want to go back, you build something closed, disconnected from the roots of the Church and you lose the sap of Revelation”, he underlined. “You can thus lose the true tradition and seek refuge in ideologies”.

“The Church must be open to all,” reaffirmed the pope while American prelates accuse him of being very understanding towards homosexuals or divorced people, without sufficiently denouncing abortion.

“It takes a lot of tact and creativity to be able to accompany people spiritually and pastorally,” But each one, each one, each one, is called to live in the Church: never forget this “.

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