Michel Ocelot, director of the famous animated film Kirikou and the Witch, released in 1998, was in Lome for the Festival International Gbaka Animation (FIGA).
Ocelot’s ambition at this event, which put the spotlight on animated cinema and attracted an enthusiastic audience, was to encourage young Togolese creators to pursue their dreams despite the difficulties.
The latter face a number of obstacles that hold them back in their passion, such as financing.
Financing is another major challenge. If young people are trained but have no resources, their talent risks disappearing.
Togo is brimming with animation talent, but many artists choose to emigrate to other countries in search of opportunities, which is worrying for a booming sector.
“Most of the talented young people we have today are stolen from us by other countries. Simply because we have no work to do. In other words, a producer today, when he sets up his structure, with all the love he has and the will he has, if he doesn’t have the money to support the team, people go because they too have their families to feed”, explains Daniel Atchali, organizer of the event.
Despite these challenges, the future of animated film in Togo could be promising, a national creative potential, if supported.