Covid-19 scientists study case of a German vaccinated 217 times

Covid-19: scientists study case of a German vaccinated 217 times

In a study published on Monday March 4 by The Lancet Infectious Diseases, scientists from the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of Erlangen looked at the case of a 62-year-old German man from the city of Magdeburg (central Germany) who has been vaccinated no less than 217 times against Covid-19.

Scientists wanted to look into the effects of this hypervaccination. They therefore made him undergo blood and saliva tests.

“We learned about his case through newspaper articles,” Dr. Kilian Schober, who led the study, said on their university’s website.

“We used these samples to determine exactly how the immune system responds to vaccination,” he adds. The man received mainly injections of RNA-messenger vaccine, from several different laboratories.

No weakening of immunity

And the answer is surprising. They noted the presence of a significant number of T cells which help to destroy cells infected by Covid-19. Additionally, these cells did not appear to show any signs of fatigue in the immune response.

During their research, the scientists did not find any traces of past infection with the coronavirus. However, these can go back several years and are no longer visible in the body.

However, the authors of the study assure us: they do not approve of the use of hypervaccination to strengthen immunity.

“Current research indicates that a three-dose vaccination, combined with regular complementary vaccines for vulnerable groups, remains the preferred approach,” they say.

In addition, scientists point out that a single case does not make many cases, and that the conclusions of this study do not make it possible to formulate recommendations for a broader public.

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