Man arrested for killing two people following dispute over dog

Man arrested for killing two people following dispute over dog

Manhattan police announced that they had arrested a man suspected of killing a woman, a man and a dog at the end of September amid a neighborhood conflict.

After the incident, which took place in the street, the suspect fled, engaging the police in a long chase to find him.

It’s done: the man, aged 31, was arrested on charges of “murder”, “possession of a weapon”, “aggravated contempt” and “aggravated cruelty towards an animal”.

The suspect is believed to be a neighbor of the animal’s owner, with whom the latter was regularly in conflict over her dog, a pit bull. He had been blaming him for barking incessantly for months. Feeling unsafe because of her neighbor, the woman asked a friend to accompany her on her outings.

On September 29, Jackie Billini, a justice officer, was walking her dog with this friend when a man dressed in black opened fire and shot them in the head. He then executes the pit bull before fleeing.

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