Health workers in police net over missing placenta

Health workers in police net over missing placenta

Five health workers have been arrested for the disappearance of a newborn baby’s umbilical cord and placenta at Government Cottage Hospital, Iloffa, in Oke-Ero Local Government Area of Nigeria State.

“A woman gave birth to a baby while the umbilical cord and the placenta were yet to be given to her by the hospital workers,” according to reports.

The police were later involved when efforts to settle the controversy at various layers of hierarchies in the local government failed.

It was further gathered that it took spirited efforts of elders of the Odo-Owa community to calm the fray nerves of restive youths who suspected foul play and were about to burn down the hospital.

“The hospital workers gave her a nylon containing her personal items after she was discharged but did not give her the placenta and the umbilical cord of the baby when they asked her to go home,” she said.

Police Public Relations Officer, Kwara State Police Command, Ejire-Adeyemi Toun, confirmed the incident, adding that the investigation is ongoing.

“The police are investigating the incident and five suspects have been arrested in connection with it, an investigation is still ongoing,” the PPRO said.

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