70 terrorists killed in Chad

70 terrorists killed in Chad

In Chad, 70 terrorists eliminated, five camps and a base destroyed in the Lake region, the army announced on Monday July 1, 2024.

Factions descended from the Boko Haram terrorist group continue to clash there, targeting civilians.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces, this was a military operation carried out by a commando from the Rapid Intervention Force (FIR), an elite unit recently created, but whose existence is being made public for the first time.

Operation “Lake Sanity 2”, launched by the joint multilateral force last April, resulted in numerous surrenders, arrests, encampments, destroyed ammunition stockpiles and the death of 140 enemies in air attacks, according to the force.

This vast offensive forced the fighters of Boko Haram’s heir factions to retreat to Chadian territory, where the FIR commando unit dealt them a “devastating blow”, in the words of the communiqué.

The Fir is a new elite corps within the Chadian army, led by the very young General Ousmane Dicki, an intimate of President Mahamat Idriss Déby who, since his accession to power, has been attempting to smoothly recompose the security apparatus inherited from his father.

This is the very first time that the FIR has been the subject of public communication.

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