Alleged homosexual beaten to death

Alleged homosexual beaten to death

An alleged gay has been beaten mercilessly for allegedly attempting to have a sex with a young man at Assin Fosu in the Central region, Ghana.

According to reports, “the gay has created a WhatsApp group and added a young man without his consent.”

As days went by, the victim who is part of the WhatsApp group, contacted the innocent boy and expressed interest in having a sexual affair with him at a hotel in Assin Fosu of which he obliged.

The young man who is against homosexuality organized friends to the said location to wait for the victim and teach him a lesson.

When the victim got there, he was beaten to pulp by the angry mob until he allegedly confessed that he is a gay and wanted to have sex the young man.

Condoms and Viagra, a sexual enhancement product were allegedly found on him.

But for the intervention of a resident, Ibrahim Shama who rescued the victim from the mob, he would have been lynched.

According to Adom News, “the victim had bruises all over his hands and face.”

Meanwhile, no report has been lodged at the Police station and residents are not willing to volunteer information for the arrest of the suspects.

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