Uganda: two found guilty of poisoning lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Uganda: two found guilty of poisoning lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

A court in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, has convicted two men arrested last year in connection with the poisoning of six lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Kanungu district, Daily Monitor reported.

It comes after the court heard evidence from 14 witnesses who pinned the convicts over the killing of wild animals and being in unlawful possession of a three-litre jerrycan of lion fats.

The two have been tried for five wildlife offenses since March last year in the Standards, Utilities and Wildlife Tribunal. They were also convicted of killing 10 vultures and hunting a kob without a license, the news agency reported.

Chief Magistrate Gladys Kamasanyu found the duo guilty of entering a wildlife conservation area, killing wild animals and being in possession of protected species.

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